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Sublime Text 4 MDX Color Syntax Package

Any package that I could be missing, for MDX color syntax highlighting, in Sublime Text 4, which works correctly?

Tried the following but both have broken coloring, as in imports after 1st one showing as plain text, same with exported constants, etc.

Issue illustration (this is with MDX Syntax Highlighting): 在此处输入图像描述

Package control offers nothing else, at least under MDX keyword.

You need to change your color scheme to something that covers more scopes. For example, here is your code with Mariana, the default color scheme for new installations of Sublime Text 4:

MDX 与玛丽安娜

Here it is using the Neon Color Scheme (full disclosure: I am the author):

MDX 霓虹配色方案

And here it is with Monokai Pro :

MDX 与 Monokai Pro

You are most likely using an old color scheme from Sublime Text 3.

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