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Redirect http traffic to https

I have a node server running on a linux aws lightsail server. I have used bncert-tool for an ssl certificate. I also have linked a domain to my instance. Now the problem im having is when I load my site with http:// I get ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE but when I load the site with https:// the site loads as expected. I know I have to add an http to https redirection to my bitnami.config file but the bncert-tool automatically does that but I went ahead and checked if what's mentioned here is appied properly and everything checks out. Do I have to do anything else to automatically redirect all traffic on http to https? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You can create public certificate for SSL from AWS Certificate Manager. After creation of certificate, you need to create new record as a Cname at the place where you managed your domain. After doing that, you will see, your website will have a SSL connection. More information about requesting a public certificate .

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