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How to upload the a folder into Azure blob storage while preserving the structure in Python?

I've wrote the following code to upload a file into blob storage using Python:

blob_service_client = ContainerClient(account_url="https://{}.blob.core.windows.net".format(ACCOUNT_NAME),

blob_service_client.upload_blob("my_file.txt", open("my_file.txt", "rb"))

this works fine. I wonder how can I upload the entire folder with all files and sub folders in it while keeping the structure of my local folder intact?

After reproducing from my end I could able to achieve your requirement using os module. Below is the complete code that worked for me.

dir_path = r'<YOUR_LOCAL_FOLDER>'

for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir_path):
    for name in files:
        fullPath=os.path.join(path, name)
        print("FullPath : "+fullPath)
        print("File Name :"+fileName)
        # Create a blob client using the local file name as the name for the blob
        blob_service_client = ContainerClient(account_url=ACCOUNT_URL,

        print("\nUploading to Azure Storage as blob:\n\t" + fileName)
        blob_service_client.upload_blob(fileName, open(fullPath, "rb"))

Below is the folder structure in my local.




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