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How to set default value inside mock unit test for class property?

public MyClass 
    bool myflag ;
    bool detail ;

private async Task DemoAsync()
    MyClass myclassobj = new();
//But in test case I want to set default value for `myflag` and `detail` as `true` using mock I'm trying like below but getting error.

public async Task Demotest()
    bool someProperty = true;
    var mock = new Mock<MyClass>();
    mock.SetupSet(m => m.myflag = It.IsAny<bool>())
        .Callback<bool>(p => someProperty = p)

-> Error - Unsupported expression: m => m... The next member after the last one shown above is non-virtual, sealed, or not visible to the proxy factory.

You should make the myflag and detail properties virtual. This allows for the values to be overridden.

public class MyClass 
    public virtual bool myflag { get; set; }
    public virtual bool detail { get; set; }

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