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ngx-datatable disable or enable the checkbox dynamically

I'm using a component ngx-datatable angular version 9. This component has the props [checkboxable]="true" to control the checkbox visibilit.

Problem: I need to control this props dynamicatly, like [checkboxable]=value . The "value" is a variable in component's TS. However I couldn't.

Does anyone have any idea how to control it?

Componet HTML:

  class='material tableFix'
  [count]="pagination && pagination.total_record" 
  [offset]="pagination && pagination.page_number"
  [limit]="pagination && pagination.page_size"
    [checkboxable]="true" headerClass="text-center" cellClass="text-center">

In TS file you have to declare a variable like value ;

value = true;


Use [(checkboxable)] = "value" instead of [checkboxable]="true"

Best regard!

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