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How to style WebView default Loader in react native

 source={{ uri: this.state.url }}
 style={{backgroundColor: Color.transparent, position: 'absolute', left: width * 0.35, top: height / 2 - 50, zIndex: 9,height: width * 0.3,width: width * 0.3,borderRadius: 20}}
 size="large" />}

Below is my code

I want actives indicator in WebView default property


here I add but it's not working so what I can do

to add styel in defalut startInLoadingState={}

startInLoadingState is boolean, not is a JSX.Element.

If you want to custom your loading, just use renderLoading prop and you need turn on startInLoadingState to use renderLoading prop.

  source={{ uri: "https://source.com" }}
  startInLoadingState // or `startInLoadingState={true}`
  renderLoading={() => <ActivityIndicator
        backgroundColor: Color.transparent, position: 'absolute', left: width * 0.35, top: height / 2 - 50, zIndex: 9,
        height: width * 0.3,
        width: width * 0.3,
        borderRadius: 20
    size="large" />}

Reference: https://github.com/react-native-webview/react-native-webview/blob/master/docs/Reference.md#renderloading

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