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Why I can't see my props from backend in my nuxt page?

I'm making an index page nad I have to recover from my db customers data and insert it in a table element in my index page. I've set my props, mounted function with axios that get the data from the backend route and in a data function I return customers array,

my index.vue page:

     <table v-if="customers">
    <td>{{ customers.name }}</td>
    <td>{{ customers.address }}</td>

import Table from "../components/Table.vue";
export default {
  components: { Table },
  name: "IndexPage",
  data() {
    return {
      customers: [],
  props: {
    customer: {
      required: true,
      type: Object,
  async mounted() {
    const response = await this.$axios.$get("/api/customers");
    this.customers = response.data;

if I write {{ customers }} the function return the list of customers fields but when I search for a specific data (for example {{ customers.name }}) it don't return me nothing, even errors.

Obviously I've set baseurl in nuxt.config with address of my laravel app

Here you bring the data of all customers in the form of an array, If the data exists in the response, try using a v-for loop to iterate through the customers' array and display the data for each customer. This would look something like this:

     <table v-if="customers.length">
       <tr v-for="customer in customers" :key="customer.id">
         <td>{{ customer.name }}</td>
         <td>{{ customer.address }}</td>

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