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`Error 403: Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request: resource "SSD_TOTAL_GB"` when creating kubernetes cluster with terraform

Hi I am playing around with kube.netes and terraform in a google cloud free tier account (trying to use the free 300$). Here is my terraform resource declaration, it is something very standard I copied from the terraform resource page. Nothing particularly strange here.

resource "google_container_cluster" "cluster" {
  name = "${var.cluster-name}-${terraform.workspace}"
  location = var.region
  initial_node_count = 1
  project = var.project-id
  remove_default_node_pool = true

resource "google_container_node_pool" "cluster_node_pool" {
  name       = "${var.cluster-name}-${terraform.workspace}-node-pool"
  location   = var.region
  cluster    = google_container_cluster.cluster.name
  node_count = 1

  node_config {
    preemptible  = true
    machine_type = "e2-medium"
    service_account = google_service_account.default.email
    oauth_scopes    = [

This terraform snippet used to work fine. In order to not burn through the 300$ too quickly, at the end of every day I used to destroy the cluster with terraform destroy . However one day the kube.netes cluster creation just stopped working. Here is the error:

Error: googleapi: Error 403: Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request: resource "SSD_TOTAL_GB": request requires '300.0' and is short '50.0'. project has a quota of '250.0' with '250.0' available. View and manage quotas at https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas?usage=USED&project=xxxxxx., forbidden

It looks like something didn't get cleaned up after all the terraform destroy and eventually some quota built up and I am not able to create a cluster anymore. I am still able to create a cluster through the google cloud web interface (I tried only with autopilot, and in the same location). I am a bit puzzled why this is happening. Is my assumption correct? Do I need to delete something that doesn't get deleted automatically with terraform? if yes why? Is there a way to fix this and be able to create the cluster with terraform again?

Go to Compute Engine > Disks, and check if there are any disks in the specified region which is consuming the quota.

This error says that the request will require 300GB of SSD and you have a quota of 250 GB in that region. This error generally occurs when the quota is exhausted . You can read more about the type of disk quotas here . You can also request a quota increase if you want.

I am not able to understand why this request needs 300 GB of SSD as I am not quite familiar with Terraform. From the code, it seems that you are creating only one node. As per the terraform doc , the "disk_size_gb" defaults to 100GB. So, it should take only 100 GB. Try to set a smaller size in the "disk_size_gb" in "node_config" and check if it helps.

I was able to fix this by creating the cluster in autopilot mode using enable_autopilot = true rather than manually creating the node_pool (through terraform) and letting google take care of that. However I am afraid that I may have just hidden the problem under the carpet as the cluster may be initially created with a small disk and then it gets scaled up as needed.

I had a similar issue that was resolved by moving my clusters to a different region. You can view the quotas for a region by replacing $PROJECT-ID$ with your project-id https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas?usage=USED&project=$PROJECT-ID$ and heading to that link.

If you filter the list to persistent disk ssd (GB) you should see a list of all the available regions along with their quotas.

过滤到永久性磁盘 ssd (gb)

Hope that helps.


Otherwise, your best bet is to request a quota increase for the region you desire.

If you wanna create Kube.netes cluster using standard configuration then make sure you have selected maximum number of nodes as 2 or less only. You need to check "Node pool details". To change or check that follow below steps:

  1. Create Cluster
  2. Select Standard and click configure
  3. Provide cluster name, location of your choice and etc things.
  4. On the left panel locate " NODE POOLS " and click on "default-pool"
  5. Locate or search on the browser page "Number of nodes". You will find text box to add number of nodes. In your case it must more than 2 nodes that's why you are getting error. Other option is to increase the Limit of your desired region and that may need approval from Google as per new policy.

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