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Azure AKS Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable dial tcp no such host 443

I'm trying to run helm command from my terraform configuration. But i'm getting kubernetes cluster unreachable error. My cluster is private and i don't want to change it. How can i access it?

Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "https://aksdns-8f2967.c8e977-d63e-461f-a4b6-c356d1.privatelink.westeurope.azmk8s.io:443/version": dial tcp: lookup aksdns-8f67.c8e95477-d63e-461f-a4b6-c33b2d6d1.privatelink.westeurope.azmk8s.io on no such host

resource "helm_release" "ingress-nginx" {
  name             = "ingress-nginx"
  namespace        = "ingress-nginx"
  create_namespace = true
  repository       = "https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx"
  chart            = "ingress-nginx"

  values = [

You will need to run your Terraform scripts from a machine (like a build agent) that is connected via VNet connection to that private cluster. That is the whole point of private clusters: The control plane is only accessible to machines with direct line-of-sight, not over the internet.

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