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NSIS - How to install multiple files with similar folder structures using a single command?


I have multiple files in very similarly structured folders that I want to install in one common folder.

I can do this by manually specifying each file I want to add, like so:

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Final\Destination"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder1\Same\Path\For\All\Thing1.ext"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder2\Same\Path\For\All\Thing2.ext"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder3\Same\Path\For\All\Thing3.ext"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder4\Same\Path\For\All\Thing4.ext"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder5\Same\Path\For\All\Thing5.ext"

However, there are 50+ of these files, and they are likely to change, so I'd prefer to do this in a way that won't require editing the NSIS in the future.

What I have Tried

I tried putting in wildcards, like so:

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Final\Destination"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\*\Same\Path\For\All\*.ext"

However, I get the message File: ".\ParentFolder\*\Same\Path\For\All\*.ext" -> no files found.


Is there something wrong with using multiple wildcards * in my File query?

What would be the correct way to query multiple files in different folders?

You can't put wildcards anywhere, only in the filename unfortunately.

What you can do however is to use !system to execute a batch file (or any other command or application) that writes NSIS instructions to a file you can !include :


SetOutPath $InstDir
!tempfile folders ; temporary .nsh
!system 'for /D %A in (.\ParentFolder\*) do @>>"${folders}" echo File /r "%~A\Same\Path\For\All\*.ext"'
!include "${folders}"
!delfile "${folders}"


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