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Shopper cannot see products

Working through this tutorial . I've created a buyer organization and buyer user buyer01 , and I've added a product to the buyer's catalog. I'd like to see that buyer01 has access to that product.

When I obtain an authentication token using buyer01 's credentials, and send GET to /v1/me , I get this back:

    "Buyer": {
        "DefaultCatalogID": "BUYER_ORGANIZATION"
    "Supplier": null,
    "Seller": {
    "ID": "BUYER_USER",
    "Username": "buyer01",
    "Password": null,
    "FirstName": "Buyer",
    "LastName": "User",
    "Email": "buyer@email.com",
    "Phone": null,
    "TermsAccepted": null,
    "Active": true,
    "xp": null,
    "AvailableRoles": [
    "Locale": null,
    "DateCreated": "2022-12-21T00:43:53.507+00:00",
    "PasswordLastSetDate": "2022-12-21T00:43:53.543+00:00"

But when I try to see the products this user has access to, using GET /v1/me/products , I get this back:

    "Errors": [
            "ErrorCode": "Auth.InsufficientRoles",
            "Message": "User does not have role(s) required to perform this action.",
            "Data": {
                "RequiredRoles": [
                "AssignedRoles": [

Why does the first request show `shopper' role present, while the second shows it as missing?

I found the issue. When I requested the access token for buyer01 , I left the "Scope" setting as it was for when I earlier requested an admin token, assuming that "Shopper" was in the documented scope setting for the admin01 user:

scope: "CatalogAdmin BuyerReader MeAdmin InventoryAdmin PasswordReset OrderAdmin PriceScheduleAdmin ProductAdmin ProductAssignmentAdmin ShipmentAdmin",

I see now that it doesn't have `shopper', so when I requested a new token with the documented scope setting for the buyer user, I was able to get a 200 response:

scope: "MeAdmin PasswordReset Shopper",
    "Meta": {
        "Facets": [],
        "Page": 1,
        "PageSize": 20,
        "TotalCount": 0,
        "TotalPages": 0,
        "ItemRange": [
        "NextPageKey": null
    "Items": []

The tricky part is that even though the user permissions returned in the first request included "shopper", the access token I requested didn't include that in the scope, hence the 403.

The astute reader will note that I am still not seeing my products, however. I'll update my answer when I figure that part out.

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