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Type JSX.Element is not assignable to type React.ReactNode when using customed conditional render component

I'm using next: "12.1.6" and react: "18.2.0".

I have a template component for conditional rendering.

// Show.tsx
interface Props {
  when: boolean;
  fallback?: React.ReactNode;
  children: React.ReactNode;

function Show(props: Props) {
  if (props.when) {
    return props.children;
  return props.fallback ?? null;

export default Show;

and I use the template componenet like this but has an issue.

    <div className="border rounded bg-red-400 py-2 px-5">
      ❌ disconnected
  <div className="border rounded bg-green-400 py-2 px-5">
    ✅ connected

at fallback attribute, IDE represents an error "Type JSX.Element is not assignable to type React.ReactNode".

Both React.ReactElement and JSX.Element is a result of React.createElement so I thought there is no specific difference between them except namespace. But it seems React.ReactNode cannot cover JSX.Element .

Waht should I update or change?

ReactNode is a ReactElement, a ReactFragment, a string, a number or an array of ReactNode

But in here you are returning an HTML template which is not part of above mentioned categories. Hence you need to change the type to JSX.Element

fallback?: JSX.Element

Use Function to wrap fallback JSX Element,

like this:

  fallback={() => {
    return <div className="border rounded bg-red-400 py-2 px-5">
      ❌ disconnected
  <div className="border rounded bg-green-400 py-2 px-5">
    ✅ connected

And update Props interface to:

interface Props extends React.PropsWithChildren<{
  when: boolean;
  fallback?: () => JSX.Element;
}> {}

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