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API Platform - Subresources: Cannot use reference for lookup or graphLookup: dbRef references are not supported (MongoDB-Symfony6.2)

I am currently working on programming a website using Symfony version 6.2 and API Platform in addition to MongoDB (version v6.0.3) in the database.

I try to use the Subresources and I followed the official documentation of the API Platform: https://api-platform.com/docs/core/subresources/

I tried to use exactly what is written on the documentation (this the code):

    uriTemplate: '/companies/{companyId}/employees',
    operations: [ new GetCollection() ]
    uriVariables: [
        'companyId' => new Link(toProperty: 'company', fromClass: Company::class),
class Employee
    private string $id;

    #[MongoDB\Field(type: Type::STRING)]
    private string $name;

    #[MongoDB\ReferenceOne(targetDocument: Company::class, inversedBy: "employees")]
    private ?Company $company;

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

and for the Company class:

class Company
    public string $id;

    #[MongoDB\Field(type: Type::STRING)]
    public string $name;

    #[MongoDB\ReferenceMany(targetDocument: Employee::class, mappedBy: "company")]
    /** @var Employee[] */
    #[Link(toProperty: 'company')]
    public $employees = [];

but while using the Postman to get the result from /companies/{companyId}/employees , this error message appears:

"Cannot use reference 'company' in class 'App\\Document\\Company' for lookup or graphLookup: dbRef references are not supported."

Is there any solution for that?

Use storeAs: 'id' in the relation reference

    uriTemplate: '/companies/{companyId}/employees',
    operations: [ new GetCollection() ]
    uriVariables: [
        'companyId' => new Link(toProperty: 'company', fromClass: Company::class),
class Employee
    private string $id;

    #[MongoDB\Field(type: Type::STRING)]
    private string $name;

    #[MongoDB\ReferenceOne(storeAs: 'id', targetDocument: Company::class, inversedBy: "employees")]
    private ?Company $company;

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

And the Company class:

class Company
    public string $id;

    #[MongoDB\Field(type: Type::STRING)]
    public string $name;

    #[MongoDB\ReferenceMany(storeAs: 'id', targetDocument: Employee::class, mappedBy: "company")]
    /** @var Employee[] */
    #[Link(toProperty: 'company')]
    public $employees = [];

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