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Wpf Replace Selected List items


I have this Lists here. I want to be able to Select one Object on the left and one on the right, then click the button and it shoudl change them on click.

private void substituteBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   object temp = startingLbx.SelectedItem;
   startingLbx.SelectedItem = benchLbx.SelectedItem.ToString();
   benchLbx.SelectedItem = temp.ToString();

I have this code to change it. I tried several fixes, but I couldn't find the answer to why my lists are not changing at all after the press of the button. Do I have to change something in the code? Is it because of something in the XAML? I would be happy if someone could help

Here is how you could swap the items directly in the Items collection:

private void substituteBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    object temp = startingLbx.SelectedItem;
    startingLbx.Items[startingLbx.SelectedIndex] = benchLbx.SelectedItem;
    benchLbx.Items[benchLbx.SelectedIndex] = temp;

If you're using the ItemsSource property, you should swap the items in the source collections.

SelectedItem only works if the object exist in the list, if not, the SelectedIndex property is left at its current value.

Something like this should do the trick:

        object tempStarting = startingLbx.SelectedItem;
        object tempbench = benchLbx.SelectedItem;



        startingLbx.SelectedItem = tempbench;
        benchLbx.SelectedItem = tempStarting;

In the case you want to have the same position in the list

        object tempStarting = startingLbx.SelectedItem;
        object tempbench = benchLbx.SelectedItem;
        int indexStarting = startingLbx.SelectedIndex;
        int indexbench = benchLbx.SelectedIndex;


        startingLbx.Items.Insert(indexStarting, tempbench);
        startingLbx.SelectedItem = tempbench;
        benchLbx.SelectedItem = tempStarting;

I did not test this code but you will get the idea.

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