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How to add custom scalars to GraphQL Codegen?

I have a custom scalar in my GraphQL schema and I want my Codegen to generate the correct type fo me.

My schema looks like this:

scalar Decimal

type Item {
  price: Decimal!

and I have added a custom resolver for this scalar which uses [Decimal.js][1].

When I generate my Typescript types from this schema, I want it to recognise price as a Decimal type and have the properties that Decimal.js provides.

My codegen config looks like this:

schema: "./src/typeDefs/index.ts"
        Decimal: Decimal
      - typescript
      - typescript-resolvers

Whilst this generates Decimal types, it doesn't recognise it as a type of Decimal.js so it doesn't have any methods that the library exposes.

It generates the following type:

export type Scalars = {
  ID: string;
  String: string;
  Boolean: boolean;
  Int: number;
  Float: number;
  Decimal: Decimal; // doesn't have any Decimal.js props

How can I tell codegen to use Decimal.js to generate the correct type for Decimal? [1]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/decimal.js

You have to add the import to the graphql.ts file by adding an add in the codegen.yaml:

schema: "./src/typeDefs/index.ts"
        Decimal: Decimal
      - typescript
      - typescript-resolvers
      - add:
        content: "import {Decimal} from 'Decimal.js';"

It's not properly documented for the typescript plugin , but mentioned on the blog :

  • You can import your types from a node module package ( User: models-lib#UserType ).
  • You can also map to built-in language types ( DateType: Date )
  • Aliasing the imports is also possible ( User: ./models#User as MyCustomUserType )

This does not work only for mappers but also for scalars . So you're looking for

schema: "./src/typeDefs/index.ts"
        Decimal: decimal.js#Decimal
#       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      - typescript
      - typescript-resolvers

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