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Obfuscate sensitive data in Wagtail Markdown or custom editor fields

I would like to know best approach in obfuscating sensitive data in Markdown (wagtail-markdown) or any other custom fields. The use case is to prevent bot scrapping for email and phone number on legally required Impressum pages in Germany.

So far I have tried I one of the email encoders online and pasting the output in Markdown but that's just parsed as text in the end. Also I have seen Wagtail documentation mentioning to register a rewrite handler , but that is tied to RichTextField types. How can I do that same workflow work with any text field? What is the best approach overall?

You could convert your email address to unicode then use it with javascript:location to create the link (presuming you want a link, but similar process for other uses).

  1. Use the ord function with lambda to convert each character in the mail address string, padding each character code to length 4 with re.sub.
  2. Create the mailto/tel href's and add as a template variable.


import re    
email = "somebody@somewhere.com"
uni = (re.sub('.', lambda x: r'\u%04X' % ord(x.group()), email))
mailto = (f"javascript:location='mailto:{uni}';void0")




<a href="{{ mailto }}">Contact</a>


<a href="javascript:location='mailto:\u0073\u006F\u006D\u0065\u0062\u006F\u0064\u0079\u0040\u0073\u006F\u006D\u0065\u0077\u0068\u0065\u0072\u0065\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D';void0">Contact</a>

The unicode is rendered back to ascii in the client mail app


If you want to actually display the email/phone, there's not much to do about that that I could think of other than using PIL to generate on-the-fly png's with the info embedded.

Try this...

Template tag/filter

from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

register = template.Library()

def obfuscate_string(value):
    return ''.join(['&#{0:s};'.format(str(ord(char))) for char in value])

def obfuscate(value):
    return mark_safe(obfuscate_string(value))

def obfuscate_mailto(value, text=False):
    mail = obfuscate_string(value)
    if text:
        link_text = text
        # Detect subject lines
        if ';' in text:
            args = text.split(';')
            link_text = args[0]
            subject = args[1]
            mail = mail + '?subject=' + subject
        link_text = mail
    return mark_safe('<a href="{0:s}{1:s}">{2:s}</a>'.format(
        obfuscate_string('mailto:'), mail, link_text))


{% load i18n email_obfuscator %}

{{ some_email|obfuscate_mailto }}

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