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Adding Custom Middlewares in Strapi

I am creating a custom middleware for strapi that will change the response body to the hash. I need to use this middleware for all routes in strapi, means on the application level.

'use strict';

 * `ctx-decrypt` middleware.

var crypto = require('crypto');

const algorithm = 'aes-256-cbc';

function decrypt(text,key) 
   let iv = Buffer.from(text.iv, 'hex');
   let encryptedText = Buffer.from(text.encryptedData, 'hex');
   let decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', Buffer.from(key), iv);
   let decrypted = decipher.update(encryptedText);
   decrypted = Buffer.concat([decrypted, decipher.final()]);
   return decrypted.toString();

function hash(data)
  var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256', data);

  return hash;

module.exports = (config,{env},{strapi}) => 
      strapi.app.use(async (ctx, next) => 

        strapi.log.info('In ctx-decrypt middleware.');

        var ENC_KEY = process.env.ENC_KEY;
        var requestBody = ctx.request.body;
        //var responseBody = ctx.body;

        var dc = decrypt(requestBody,ENC_KEY);

           throw new Error('Invalid request body!');


           await next();

           await next();





Now I followed their latest docs but strapi always give some errors on using that middleware. I ran

npx strapi generate 

to generate middleware at the root of project. and then I ran

npx strapi middlewares:list

to get all the middleware names, then added my 'global::ctx-decrypt' middleware name in the./config/middlewares.js like this

module.exports = [

it is giving me error like this

0|super-fu | [2022-12-23 02:48:51.181] debug: ⛔️ Server wasn't able to start properly.
0|super-fu | [2022-12-23 02:48:51.183] error: Middleware "global::ctx-decrypt": Cannot destructure property 'strapi' of 'undefined' as it is undefined.
0|super-fu | Error: Middleware "global::ctx-decrypt": Cannot destructure property 'strapi' of 'undefined' as it is undefined.
0|super-fu |     at instantiateMiddleware (/home/blackhole/nodejs/super-funnels/super-funnels-backend/node_modules/@strapi/strapi/lib/services/server/middleware.js:12:11)
0|super-fu |     at resolveMiddlewares (/home/blackhole/nodejs/super-funnels/super-funnels-backend/node_modules/@strapi/strapi/lib/services/server/middleware.js:56:18)
0|super-fu |     at registerApplicationMiddlewares (/home/blackhole/nodejs/super-funnels/super-funnels-backend/node_modules/@strapi/strapi/lib/services/server/register-middlewares.js:66:29)
0|super-fu |     at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
0|super-fu |     at async Object.initMiddlewares (/home/blackhole/nodejs/super-funnels/super-funnels-backend/node_modules/@strapi/strapi/lib/services/server/index.js:99:7)
0|super-fu |     at async Strapi.bootstrap (/home/blackhole/nodejs/super-funnels/super-funnels-backend/node_modules/@strapi/strapi/lib/Strapi.js:414:5)
0|super-fu |     at async Strapi.load (/home/blackhole/nodejs/super-funnels/super-funnels-backend/node_modules/@strapi/strapi/lib/Strapi.js:426:5)
0|super-fu |     at async Strapi.start (/home/blackhole/nodejs/super-funnels/super-funnels-backend/node_modules/@strapi/strapi/lib/Strapi.js:169:9)
0|super-fu | 
0|super-fu | > super-funnels-backend@0.1.0 start
0|super-fu | > strapi start

How can I resolve this and use this middleware.

According to the docs, the correct function definition for middleware is as follows:

module.exports = (config, { strapi })=> {
  return (context, next) => {};

There is no third parameter so perhaps try {env, strapi} ?

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