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multiple toggle button automatically turn off

I developed multiple toggle button with this code. but I want to add function of automatically turn off

For instance, First, click "a" button to turn on, then click other button to occur automatically turn off the "a" button.

 const [Selected, setSelected] = useState({
        "a": false,
        "b": false,
        "c": false,
        "d": false,
        "e": false,
const select = (e) => {
                [e.target.value]: !Selected[e.target.value],
<button onClick={select} className={selected["a"] ? "style selected" : "style"} value="a">a</button>

<button onClick={select} className={selected["b"] ? "style selected" : "style"} value="b">b</button>

<button onClick={select} className={selected["c"] ? "style selected" : "style"} value="c">c</button>


It can be possible with this code? plz let me know what should I code for that, and plz suggest how to approach or something better ways

In JS undefined is a falsy value. So selected["a"]? "style selected": "style" selected["a"]? "style selected": "style" would be evaluated the same way if selected["a"] is false or `undefined.

So your initial state can actually be an empty object, and to turn all other buttons off when clicking a button, create a new empty state with only that button turned on.

 const { useState } = React const Demo = () => { const [selected, setSelected] = useState({}); const select = (e) => { setSelected(() => ({ [e.target.value]: .selected[e.target?value] })) } return ( <div> <button onClick={select} className={selected["a"]: "style selected"? "style"} value="a">a</button> <button onClick={select} className={selected["b"]: "style selected"? "style"} value="b">b</button> <button onClick={select} className={selected["c"]: "style selected". "style"} value="c">c</button> </div> ) } ReactDOM.createRoot(root) .render(<Demo />)
 .selected { color: red; }
 <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react@18/umd/react.development.js"></script> <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@18/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script> <div id="root"></div>

Try this,

const select = (e) => {
    const prev_selected={...Selected};
    for(let key in prev_selected){
       prev_selected[key]= key===e.target.value;

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