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How do you get past the Windows Script Host error when trying to call `nvm use 16.19.0`

I need to set the node version to an older version for a new project I am working on. I am on Windows 11 Pro. This is a new computer that I setup yesterday and is pretty clean from a node perspective.

I have just removed nodejs and installed nvm (v 1.1.10).

After calling nvm install 16.19.0 , I tried to call nvm use 16.19.0 and recieved the following error popup: enter image description here

Here is the CLI history: enter image description here

I was expecting this to set my current node version to 16.19.0.

I was trying to do this while running git-bash from Visual Studio Code so when I loaded up git-bash as Administrator I was able to get the nvm use call to work correctly.

Sorry for the stupid question, but I didn't see it answered on here anywhere else, so hopefully it will be useful to someone else.

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