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How to customize the y-axis values in Swift Charts?

I have a simple graph (made using Swift Charts framework ) where I am showing the percentage of something over time. The x-axis is the time here and y-axis is the percentage. Ergo, I think if the values in y-axis would be like 25%, 50%, etc., it would make more sense to the user.

How can I customize the y-axis values and add a symbol (in this case a % ) at the end?

This is the code so far:

Chart(data, id: \.date) { datum in
        x: .value("Date", datum.date, unit: .day),
        y: .value("Done", datum.doneCount * 100 / (datum.doneCount + datum.notDoneCount))
.chartXAxis {
    AxisMarks(values: .stride(by: .day))


Just add this code block to your Chart

.chartYAxis {
   AxisMarks() {
       let value = $0.as(Int.self)!
       AxisValueLabel {

Your Chart will then show 0%, 25%, ... as labels

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