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Unity. how can I get Touch by fingerID?

We have the index of the touches and method Input.GetTouch(int index) which returns Touch. Also we have fingerID property of Touch structure. How can we get a Touch by fingerID?

For getting a specific touch by ID you have to search for it in the existing touches.

private static bool TryGetTouch(int fingerID, out Touch touch)
    foreach(var t in Input.touches)
        if(t.fingerID == fingerID)
            touch = t;
            return true;

    // No touch with given ID exists
   touch = default;
   return false;

You can also use linq and do eg

using System.Linq;


private static bool TryGetTouch(int fingerID, out Touch touch)
        touch = Input.touches.First(t => t.fingerID == fingerID);
        return true;
       // No touch with given ID exists
       touch = default;
       return false;

and use it like

if(TryGetTouch (someFingerID, out var touch))
    // use touch here
    // probably use a new touch and store its fingerID 

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