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How to display AWS autoscaling group name using ansible?

I was writing Ansible playbook to display the auto scaling group of AWS based on tags and below is my playbook.

- name: Find the green asg with matching tags
      service_name: cps_wallet
      Environment: "{{ name_env }}"
      service_state: green
  register: asgs_payment

- name: Show the ASG Payment name
    msg: "{{ asgs_payment.results[0].auto_scaling_group_name}}"

- set_fact:
    asg_payment_name: "{{ asgs_payment.results[0].auto_scaling_group_name}}"

I was running it on Jenkins and I was getting error

fatal: []: FAILED: => {"msg". "The task includes an option with an undefined variable: The error was. list object has no element 0\n\nThe error appears to be in '/opt/software/jenkins/workspace/payment-react-ui/srv/payment-ui-110/payment-ui/roles/inspect/tasks/cps_green_deploy:yml', line 9, column 3. but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem:\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Show the ASG Payment name\n ^ here\n"}

I thought the result doesn't have any asg name so i updated the above code as

- name: Find the green asg with matching tags
      service_name: cps_wallet
      Environment: "{{ name_env }}"
      service_state: green
  register: asgs_payment

- name: Show the ASG Payment name
    msg: "{{ asgs_payment}}"

- set_fact:
    asg_payment_name: "{{ asgs_payment}}"

It didn't give me any error, but the result was empty.

"msg": { "changed": false,  "failed": false,  "results": [] }

I do have tags added in my ASG as you can see below. And there is no other asg with same tags Tags image

The same playbook works like a charm for my other applications

  • name: Get information about Auto Scaling group ec2_asg_facts: region: "{{ region }}" register: asg_facts

  • name: Display Auto Scaling group name debug: msg: "The Auto Scaling group name is {{ asg_facts.autoscaling_groups[0].name }}"

this works for me

- name: Display Auto Scaling group name
    region: us-east-1
    name: my-asg
  register: asg_info

- debug:
    msg: "Auto Scaling group name: {{ asg_info.auto_scaling_groups[0].name }}"


here is a template of playbook

- name: Display Auto Scaling group of AWS instance
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Get instance information
        region: us-east-1
          "tag:Name": "my-instance"
      register: instance_info

    - name: Get Auto Scaling group information
        region: us-east-1
        name: "{{ instance_info.instances[0].asg_name }}"
      register: asg_info

    - name: Display Auto Scaling group name
        msg: "Auto Scaling group name: {{ asg_info.auto_scaling_groups[0].name }}"

the ec2_instance_info module is used to retrieve information about the instance with the tag Name set to "my-instance" in the us-east-1 region. The ec2_asg_info module is then used to retrieve information about the Auto Scaling group that the instance belongs to, using the asg_name attribute of the instance. Finally, the debug module is used to display the name of the Auto Scaling group.

You can modify this

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