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A default in dropdown

I want to have a default value in my dropdown but I dont find how to do it.

The variable is status and the value is 1 that is Available.

<div class="col-12">
    <strong>Estatus: &nbsp;</strong>
    <select id="status" name="status" class="form-control" autocomplete="off">
        <option>-- Seleccionar --</option>
        @foreach ($getStatus as $statusA)
            <option {{($statusA->id == $status) ? 'selected':''}} value="{{$statusA->id}}">{{$statusA->name}}</option>

Its a filter that I used I want that the client always see Available

Add this

<option selected disabled>-- Seleccionar --</option>

Or if you want to have first result from your collection/array to be the default just do

@foreach ($getStatus as $statusA)
            <option {{ $loop->index == 1 ? selected : '' }} value="{{$statusA->id}}">{{$statusA->name}}</option>

But just for UX sake I would use forelse instead of foreach .

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