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vue3 style scoped would effect for componts

<script setup lang="ts">

<style scoped>

I use vue2 before and i think.el-button would not effect for the el-button because of the scoped. But it effect at vue3. I want to know why

Scoped style only affects the component in which it is defined. Hence, your current file. So, it is quite normal this 2 buttons to be affected by your "margin-right" property. But if you put another buttons to your another files/components, you will see they will not be affected by this "margin-right" setting. That's why, it is important to put "scoped" indicator not to mess things up.

But I have to note that, the experience I gained during my usage of Element-Plus showed me that your custom style settings crushed by Element-Plus component's built-in style bindings. To overcome this:

Option 1 is to put your style settings to a separate css file which will be loaded after the Element-Plus so that your styles are not be overwritten.

Option 2 is to use styles in a way:

        <el-button style="margin-right: 10px;"></el-button> 

instead of:

        <el-button class="button-style"></el-button>

<style scoped>

In my opinion, your experience may caused by Element-Plus style overwrite matter instead of Vue version.

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