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How to delay $mainframe->redirect("/index.html") in a form submission until $mapping is processed?

I have a form by RSForms in Joomla 4, and using $mappings to map submission field values in another table; however, I am using


to redirect user to index upon form submission, which breaks $mapping to work. If I removed the above code the mapping is done perfectly and the same page is reloaded; however, I want to redirect the user to another page, but only without breaking the mapping.

Is there a way to only execute the redirect after form submission is full finished (thus ensure mapping is done)? Alternatively, can I use another redirect function to achieve the same target?


You can try using the following code to delay the redirect until the mapping is processed:

$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();

// Process the mapping
// ...

// Redirect the user to the index page
$mainframe->redirect("/index.html", false);

The second argument of the redirect method, which is set to false in the example above, determines whether or not the redirect should be executed immediately. By setting it to false, the redirect will be executed only after the current script finishes executing.

Alternatively, you can use the header function to redirect the user to the index page:

// Process the mapping
// ...

// Redirect the user to the index page
header("Location: /index.html");

The header function sends a raw HTTP header to the client, which can be used to redirect the user to a different URL. The exit statement is used to terminate the script execution after the header is sent.

The solution was to use

//run mapping from RSForm
RSFormProHelper::doMappings($mappings, array('replace' => $replace, 'with' => $with));

//stop redirect until process finish

Good luck

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