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Avoid shuffling when inserting into sorted iceberg table

I have an Iceberg table created with

CREATE TABLE catalog.db.table (a int, b int) USING iceberg

Then I apply some sort order on it

ALTER TABLE catalog.db.table WRITE ORDERED BY (a, b)

After invoking the last command, SHOW TBLPROPERTIES catalog.db.table starts showing the write.distribution-mode: range property:

|sort-order             |a ASC NULLS FIRST, b ASC NULLS FIRST|
|write.distribution-mode|range                               |

Now I'm writing data into the table:

df = spark.createDataFrame([(i, i*4) for i in range(100000)], ["a", "b"]).coalesce(1).sortWithinPartitions("a", "b")

I thought this should have created a single task in spark, which would sort all data in dataframe (in fact it is sorted since creation) and then insert it into the table as a single file too.

Unfortunately, at the moment of writing, spark decides to repartition all data which causes shuffling. I believe this happens due to write.distribution-mode: range , which had been automatically set.

== Physical Plan ==
AppendData (6)
+- * Sort (5)
   +- Exchange (4)    # :(
      +- * Project (3)
         +- Coalesce (2)
            +- * Scan ExistingRDD (1)

Is there a way to insert new data but also avoid unwanted shuffling?

According to the Apache Iceberg docs , WRITE ORDERED BY does the following:

Iceberg tables can be configured with a sort order that is used to automatically sort data that is written to the table in some engines. For example, MERGE INTO in Spark will use the table ordering.

Now, you create and write your table with the following:

df = spark.createDataFrame([(i, i*4) for i in range(100000)], ["a", "b"]).coalesce(1).sortWithinPartitions("a", "b")

Sorting a dataframe requires a shuffle operation. You've used sortWithinPartitions which does sort your data, but only within your partitions. So this does not do the full sort operation as your Iceberg table requires.

Hence, you need another full shuffle operation to do your complete sort.

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