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SwiftUI Keyboard Toolbar not Showing

I have a TextField for commenting but it cannot be dismissed due to the tool bar not showing on the keyboard. Previously there was a tool bar with a done button but it is not showing anymore, not sure what happened to it.

The TextField is in a VStack/SrollView placed at the very bottom of the screen (similar to iMessage)

Is there a reason it has disappeared? is it a device setting that might have changed?

        TextField("comment...", text: $textToPost)
            .padding(.leading, 20)
            .focused($focusField, equals: .comment)

Is that what you're looking for?

@State private var commentText = ""
@FocusState private var commentTextFieldFocus

TextField("Comment...", text: $commentText)
    .padding(.leading, 20)
    .toolbar {
        ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .keyboard) {
            Button("Done") {
                commentTextFieldFocus = false


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