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how can i make my wordpress Themes compatible with the GNU?

wordpress require this check:

  1. Commonly missed requirements Here are some of the commonly missed requirements at the initial review. Themes with incomplete requirements may be closed as not-approved.

Themes must be compatible with the GNU General Public License. GPLv2 or later is strongly recommended. Themes are not allowed to include plugins and non-design related functionalities such as forms. Anything that will be deleted when user switches a theme should not be included. Shortcodes, custom post types, and custom blocks are not allowed in themes.

how can i do this point?

i trayed to do this by myself and searching more for this point but i can not find clear solution. please help me.thanks

Here's a quick rundown.

  • Themes must be compatible with the GNU General Public License. GPLv2 or later is strongly recommended.

    You must own every line of the source code and other assets (pngs, fonts, etc) you submit, or you must have gotten it from another open-source project licensed with the GPL. You must be willing to publish the source code you submit under the GPL, giving others the right to use it. (If a company paid you to write your code, make sure they grant permission to you do release it under GPL.) No proprietary source code allowed.

  • Themes are not allowed to include plugins and non-design related functionalities such as forms.

    Pretty obvious. Don't bundle plugins, forms, or other similar stuff with your theme.

  • Anything that will be deleted when user switches a theme should not be included.

A user's site must still work perfectly if they delete your theme and use another one. So, themes that do things to a site's content must not break that content even after deactivation or deletion. So, do not define or use...

  • Shortcodes, custom post types, and custom blocks are not allowed in themes.

If you need those things, create one or more companion plugins to support them. Advise your theme users to also install your plugins.

And, be prepared for a lot of feedback from the review team. They're really good at spotting potential security problems. Don't take their feedback personally. And don't waste your time or theirs trying to persuade them your code is OK where they say it isn't. Just fix it according to their suggestions.

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