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How to configure (Date)Timepicker in TYPO3 12 Backend

I'm trying to configure the new Datetimepicker(Flatpickr) introduced in the TYPO3 Backend. By default the time is picked with AM/PM but I want to use a 24h Timepicker. I don't see how to configure Flatpickr in the Backend.

My TCA Config:

'event_starttime' => [
    'label' => $ll . 'tx_mvevents_domain_model_event.starttime',
    'l10n_mode' => 'exclude',
    'l10n_display' => 'defaultAsReadonly',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'datetime',
        'format' => 'time',
        'eval' => 'int',
        'default' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'required' => 1,

No solution, for now, but this is a bug, I reported recently to TYPO3 Issue Tracker.


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