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Jetpack compose slowly loading Navigation

I am trying simple navigation between composables and i noticed a performance issue during launch of the MainActivity, i am using splashScreen api for splash screen and then setting the content


    setContent {
        MyTheme {

the issue is after the splashscreen and before my First composable showing there's an empty screen for a second, i tried to remove the Navigation and tried my composableScreen directly and it works fine, no empty black screen in between this is my navigation composable

fun Navigation(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController(),
    startDestination: String = ScreenRoutes.Ls.route,
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        navController = navController,
        startDestination = startDestination
    ) {
        composable(route = ScreenRoutes.Ls.route) {
            Ls() { destination ->
                when (destination) {
                    ScreenRoutes.Ms-> {
                        navController.navigate(destination.route) {
                    ScreenRoutes.Fp-> {
                    ScreenRoutes.Ls-> {}
                    ScreenRoutes.Sc-> {
                    ScreenRoutes.Up -> navController.navigateUp()

        composable(route = ScreenRoutes.Sc.route) {
            Sc() { destination ->
                if (destination == ScreenRoutes.Up && navController.previousBackStackEntry != null) {
                } else {
                    navController.navigate(destination.route) {


        composable(route = ScreenRoutes.Ms.route) {
            Ms() {


        composable(route = ScreenRoutes.fg.route) {
            ForgotPassword() { destination ->
                if (destination == ScreenRoutes.Up && navController.previousBackStackEntry != null) {
                } else {


is there any possible optimization, or making the splash to not be removed until the completion of composition, i tried with release variant since it have minify is enabled and proguard, and it's showed slightly better results but the intermediate empty screen still exists

Does the issue persist on a real phone and emulator? If it is only on the emulator, it could be that your hardware can't keep up with your work.

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