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How to rename firebase functions in nuxt 3 using nitro?

Here's my nuxt.config.js

// https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  preset: 'node-server',
  modules: [
  nitro: {
    preset: 'firebase',
  srcDir: './src',

I want to change the functions name which is server by default to something else. There seems no option in nitro or nuxt config to do that.

In the.output/server/index.mjs in line 4, the default export name is server

// line 4
export { s as server } from './chunks/nitro/firebase.mjs';

Just BTW I am having the same problem I think. I want to deploy multiple nuxt3 apps on firebase hosting as websites under one common project. But I need one "server" function to be setup for each nuxt app. Supposedly with a unique name to match with my hosting config. Now the "server" cloud-function is overwritten each time I deploy any nuxt hosting. @jofftiquez is that the same problem you are trying to solve?

I was able to change the function name changing in the generated output/server/index.mjs file by the buil comand: from

export { s as server } from './chunks/nitro/firebase.mjs'


export { s as custom-server-name } from './chunks/nitro/firebase.mjs'

then in firebase.json I configured my custom function name:

  "functions": {
    "source": ".output/server",
    "runtime": "nodejs16"
  "hosting": [
      "target": "dev",
      "public": ".output/public",
      "cleanUrls": true,
      "rewrites": [
          "source": "**",
          "function": "custom-server-name"

And I was able to deploy the function "custom-server-name" with:

firebase deploy --only functions:custom-server-name --project=default

It's the only approach I found so far.

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