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next js with Turborepo ui package import through error: You may need an appropriate loader

I'm working with next.js 13.1.1 and first time configuring a monoRepo-based project using turborepo . and I want to use

  • @next/bundle-analyzer
  • @sentry/nextjs
  • @next-pwa

without the above config everything works perfectly

const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  swcMinify: true,
  poweredByHeader: false,
  compress: true,
  transpilePackages: ['ui']
module.exports = nextConfig

but if I use below code

module.exports = withNextPwa(withBundleAnalyzer(

getting error

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (4:28)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
import { ButtonProps } from "../type";
> export const Button = (props:ButtonProps) => {
|   return <button>{props.label}</button>
| }

Import trace for requested module:

I have already spent more than one day to solve this but no-luck. any suggestion or guidance is welcome thanks in advance

I dont know why, but when I add transpilePackages even empty, it works:

transpilePackages: []

Some bug?

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