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Calculating Age in X++

I am trying to calculate an age in x++ where the customer is born on 1/6/2010 to the selected day of his visit - 1/6/2023 today but the result doesn't give me 13 years old but gives me 12.

 real ageDiffReal;
 int  ageDiffInt;
 date datetoday = DateTimeUtil::date(Visitas.RFC_DataVisita);
 ageDiffReal = (datetoday -  mkDate(dir.BirthDay,dir.BirthMonth,dir.BirthYear)) / 365.242199;
 ageDiffInt  = Round(ageDiffReal,0); 
 info(strFmt('%1,%2',ageDiffReal, ageDiffInt));

I tried with / 365 and with 365.25 because of leap years but still didn't work well


You're using round(...) incorrectly.

  • ageDiffInt = decRound(ageDiffReal, 0); // Better
  • ageDiffInt = round(ageDiffReal, 1); // Works too

round(...) - The number that is a multiple of the value specified by the _decimals parameter and is closest to the value specified by the _arg parameter.

See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/dev-ref/xpp-math-run-time-functions

So this was the solution I found in order to work perfectly.

                int age;
                Date birthDate = mkDate(dir.BirthDay,dir.BirthMonth,dir.BirthYear); //gets the day,month,year from DirPerson table and creates a date.
                Date currentDate;
                currentDate = DateTimeUtil::date(datavisita);
                age = (currentDate - birthDate) / 365;

                if (mthOfYr(currentDate) < dir.BirthMonth || (mthOfYr(currentDate) == dir.BirthMonth && dayOfMth(currentDate) < dir.BirthDay))
                    age--; // checks the month and the day and compares it to the person anniversary and if true decrease it by 1


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