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spark rdd filter after groupbykey

//create RDD
val rdd = sc.makeRDD(List(("a", (1, "m")), ("b", (1, "m")),
             ("a", (1, "n")), ("b", (2, "n")), ("c", (1, "m")), 
             ("c", (5, "m")), ("d", (1, "m")), ("d", (1, "n"))))
val groupRDD = rdd.groupByKey()

after groupByKey i want to filter the second element is not equal 1 and get

("b", (1, "m")),("b", (2, "n")), ("c", (1, "m")), ("c", (5, "m"))

groupByKey() is must necessary, could help me, thanks a lot.

add: but if the second element type is string,filter the second element All of them equal x ,like ("a",("x","m")), ("a",("x","n")), ("b",("x","m")), ("b",("y","n")), ("c",("x","m")), ("c",("z","m")), ("d",("x","m")), ("d",("x","n"))

and also get the same result ("b",("x","m")), ("b",("y","n")), ("c",("x","m")), ("c",("z","m"))

You could do:

val groupRDD = rdd
  .filter(value => value._2.map(tuple => tuple._1).sum != value._2.size)
  .flatMapValues(list => list) // to get the result as you like, because right now, they are, e.g. (b, Seq((1, m), (1, n)))

What this does, is that we are first grouping keys through groupByKey , then we are filtering through filter by summing the keys from your grouped entries, and checking whether the sum is as much as the grouped entries size. For example:

(a, Seq((1, m), (1, n))   -> grouped by key
(a, Seq((1, m), (1, n), 2 (the sum of 1 + 1), 2 (size of sequence))
2 = 2, filter this row out

The final result:


Good luck!


Under the assumption that key from tuple can be any string; assuming rdd is your data that contains:


Then we can construct uniqueCount as:

val uniqueCount = rdd
  // we swap places, we want to check for combination of (a, 1), (b, a), (b, b), (c, a), etc.
  .map(entry => ((entry._1, entry._2._1), entry._2._2))
  // we count keys, meaning that (a, 1) gives us 2, (b, a) gives us 1, (b, b) gives us 1, etc.
  // we filter out > 2, because they are duplicates
  .filter(a => a._2 == 1)
  // we get the very keys, so we can filter below
  .map(a => a._1._1)

Then this:

val filteredRDD = rdd.filter(a => uniqueCount.contains(a._1))

Gives this output:


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