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WiX Bundle, can we add a second progress bar to track the progress of each package in the installer?

I'm using Wix Toolset v3.11 and Visual Studio 2022. I have created a Wix bootstrapper project that allows you to create an installer that includes 5 other.msi or.exe packages. I use RtfLargeTheme.xml for the installer interface, is it possible to create a second progress bar in the "Progress" page to follow the installation of each different package?


  <!-- TODO: Define the list of chained packages. -->
  <PackageGroupRef Id="DesktopNet50Runtime" />
  <PackageGroupRef Id="AVS" />
  <PackageGroupRef Id="DockerDesktop"/>
  <PackageGroupRef Id="AVS_OtherFiles" After="DockerDesktop"/>
  <PackageGroupRef Id="DockerEngine" After="AVS_OtherFiles"/>


<Page Name="Progress">
    <Text X="11" Y="80" Width="-11" Height="30" FontId="2" DisablePrefix="yes">#(loc.ProgressHeader)</Text>
    <Text X="11" Y="121" Width="70" Height="17" FontId="3" DisablePrefix="yes">#(loc.ProgressLabel)</Text>
    <Text Name="OverallProgressPackageText" X="85" Y="121" Width="-11" Height="17" FontId="3" DisablePrefix="yes">#(loc.OverallProgressPackageText)</Text>
    <Progressbar Name="OverallCalculatedProgressbar" X="11" Y="143" Width="-11" Height="15" />
    <Button Name="ProgressCancelButton" X="-11" Y="-11" Width="75" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">#(loc.ProgressCancelButton)</Button>

Is it possible to have another <Progressbar Name="OverallCalculatedProgressbar"... /> for each of the chained the packages?

The idea is that the user can see what is going on when the installer takes time and seems to get stuck which is not true.

I expect to have 2 progress bars, one for total installation tracking and a 2nd one for tracking the current package installation.

Yes, that is possible. However, you must create your own BootstrapperApplication. The wixstdba only presents a single progress bar.

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