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Export APA format table of lme4 anova results

I ran this MLM model

model1.a <- lmer(log10_number_of_sensations ~  Tone*Location + Tone*Intensity 

and I used "lmertest" to get the repeated measure anova table:

a1.a = anova(model1.a, ddf="Kenward-Roger") 

How can I save the RM ANOVA table in APA style?

I tried to use the following packages:

flextable(stats.table <- as.data.frame(report(a1.a))) 在此处输入图像描述 But I wander I can I present the P value

as it was here: 在此处输入图像描述

thank you very much

Install the apaTables package.

Maybe try:

mytab <- apa.aov.table(model1.a) 

There are a variety of table options in that package for different models.

Here are some other options for multilevel models https://www.anthonyschmidt.co/post/2020-09-06-table-options-mlm/

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