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Could not find required file index.html in react js

Hi I am working in react application. I have deployed app in kube.netes. I have below folder structure in react app


Below is my Dockerfile

# Fetching the latest node image on apline linux
FROM node:alpine AS development

# Declaring env
ENV NODE_ENV development

# Setting up the work directory
WORKDIR /al.web

# Installing dependencies
RUN pwd
RUN ls
COPY ./al.web/package.json /al.web
RUN npm install

# Copying all the files in our project
COPY . .

# Starting our application
CMD npm start

When I run the application in kube.netes I get below error


I am not sure what configuration is wrong here. Can someone help me to fix the the issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

if you want your react app to start use npm start in the project folder if your project root folder isn't installed properly use npx create-react-app appname

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