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Salesforce Activities - Task and Events - Reporting

When building a report on Activities (Tasks and Events), I had a Subject of Introduction.

I know that I have hundreds, but when I create a Report, it is only returning 8.

I removed all other fields from the report, made sure the filters were All Activities. Date: All Time, and all other filters were set to show me all data, not just my data.

Any advice on what I might be missing in my report?

Thanks, Jason

Created the report using Lighting and Searched Activities, then selected Tasks and Events.

Expecting to see more than 8 items with the Subject of Introduction.

You may be a victim of archived activities. Can you see these Tasks/Events all right on the record itself just like that or are they "below the fold", you need to click "view all"?


Events that ended more than 365 days ago, Closed tasks due more than 365 days ago, Closed tasks created more than 365 days ago (if they have no due date)

If that's the case - you can contact SF support to increase the limit: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000385669&type=1

If you're after an one-off export - maybe API access will be faster than support route, check https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_guidelines_archive.htm and https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000385173&type=1 out.

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