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Error in *ngFor with KeyValuePipe: ngtsc(2322)

I have the following types

type ParentKeys = "mum" | "dad";
type ChildKeys = "alice" | "frank";

type Parents = {
    [parentKey in ParentKeys]: {
        children: {
            [childKey in ChildKeys]: {
                parent: parentKey;
                key: childKey;

That is, the inner child objects { parent, key } are mounted inside a tree structure, below their resp. parents; all parent-child pairings are allowed. For an example check

const parents: Parents = {
    mum: {
        children: [
            { parent: "mum", key: "alice", },
    dad: {
        children: [
            { parent: "dad", key: "frank", },
            { parent: "dad", key: "alice", },

Now, if I'm using parents inside an Angular template

<div *ngFor="let parent of parents | keyvalue">
    <div *ngFor="let child of parent.value.children">
        <div>child {{child.key}} of parent {{child.parent}}</div>

I get the error

    { parent: "mum"; key: "alice"; } |
    { parent: "mum"; key: "frank"; }
)[] |
    { parent: "dad"; key: "alice"; } |
    { parent: "dad"; key: "frank"; }
is not assignable to type
        { parent: "mum"; key: "alice"; } |
        { parent: "mum"; key: "frank"; }
    )[] &
        { parent: "mum"; key: "alice"; } |
        { parent: "mum"; key: "frank"; }
) | null | undefined'

Of course this can be resolved using $any() , but obviously something is wrong with my types, or with the KeyValuePipe .

The issue is related to the typing done in parents, the following should work:
 type Parents = { [parentKey in ParentKeys]: { children: { parent: ParentKeys, key: ChildKeys }[]; }; };

The issue was an over-complication in the typing of the children object.

The issue lies in own the keyvalue pipe interacts with the *ngFor .

The following html works:

 <div *ngFor="let parent of parents | keyvalue"> <div *ngFor="let child of parents[parent.key].children"> <div>child {{ child.key }} of parent {{ child.parent }}</div> </div> </div>

The main different is that instead of us calling parent.value , we call parents[parent.key] . Doing so means we obtain the value stored in the original object. This is because the keyvalue combined with the *ngFor modifies the object, causing it to lose its iterability and raising an error.

simply change it like this

type Parents = {
  [parentKey in ParentKeys]: {
    children: Array<{
      parent: ParentKeys;
      key: ChildKeys;

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