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Azure Front Door - Origin Group's Health probe

Using the classic FD, the following Path for the Health probes was fine: /api/status?code=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Updating FD to its latest iteration (Standard), for the same Function App backend, the Portal returned the following message: "The probe path must start with /"

It seems that it doesn't like the "?" and "=" symbols in the entry (see image ): portal error

Doers anyone know any way around this, and obviously the error message itself in incorrect.

This may be a new portal related bug as I'm pretty sure I haven't had issues setting query string parameters in the probe path for AFD, but I was able to overcome this with Azure CLI.

az afd origin-group update --origin-group-name "default-origin-group" --profile-name "afdprofile" --resource-group "myrg" --probe-path "/api/status?code=value"


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