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Clickhouse protobuf output format

I use clickhouse server in docker with just 1 table and several rows in it. I can request all the data in default format with clickhouse client (over TCP) or with some GUI tool like DBeaver (over HTTP).

SELECT * FROM some_table;

Also I can change format to something special:

SELECT * FROM some_table FORMAT Pretty;

I want to request data from clickhouse in protobuf format. Query looks like this:

SELECT * FROM some_table FORMAT Protobuf SETTINGS format_schema = 'proto_file:ProtoStructure';

I have the proto_file.proto in the same directory with clickhouse-client, so I can made TCP request throw it (successful).

But I don't know data structure of TCP request to reproduce it in my program by myself. So I tried to execute the same request in HTTP (through DBeaver) to intercept request and reproduce it. Unfortunately I can't execute script in DBeaver properly, because it complains on proto_file.proto ( File not found , I don't know where to place it to make it work). The only thing I known, that format is specified by X-Clickhouse-Format HTTP header, but I don't know and can't find any info about where in HTTP request I should place content of proto file.

So, the main question: Is there any examples of pure HTTP request to clickhouse for protobuf data output format?

SETTINGS format_schema = 'proto_file:ProtoStructure' -- is the feature of clickhouse-client application. It's only possible with clickhouse-client .

clickhouse-client is the reach client. It queries data from clickhouse-server using TPC/native protocol and forms Protobuf by itself using the schema file.

clickhouse-server is also able to form Protobuf using.proto files (using HTTP and GRPC protocols). But in this case.proto files should be placed at the clickhouse-server node into /var/lib/clickhouse/format_schemas/ folder.


for example I created.proto file

cat /var/lib/clickhouse/format_schemas/test.proto
syntax = "proto3";

message TestMessage {
  int64 id = 1;
  uint32 blockNo = 2;
  string val1 = 3;
  float  val2 = 4;
  uint32 val3 = 5;

made it available chown clickhouse.clickhouse test.proto

Now I can do this

curl -o out.protobuf 'localhost:8123/?format_schema=test:TestMessage&query=select+1+id+from+numbers(10)+format+Protobuf'

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