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ag-grid Tree Data stay loading until data recibed

I'm trying to create a tree view of data in server side, my data come from server with this structure:

IdObjectA: 1
NameObjectA: "NameA"
ObjectB: [{
    IdObjectB: 1
    NameObjectB: "NameB"
    ObjectC: [{
        IdObjectC: 1
        NameObjectC: "NameC"
        Data: [

I use ajax to get the response and if I debug, the data comes sucesfuly:

function createServerSideDatasource() {
        return {
            rowCount: undefined,
            getRows: (params) => {
                const response = $.ajax({
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "/Controller/GetAllDataFromDatabase",
                    data: { filterElementsToDatabase },
                    success: function (data) {
                        /*Get the data OK*/
                        var rowsData = JSON.parse(data);
                    error: function (e, ts, et) {

The columDefs are:

const columnDefs = [
        headerName: 'ObjectB',
        children: [
                field: 'ObjectB.IdObjectB',
                headerName: "IdObjectB",
                hide: true
                field: "ObjectB.NameObjectB",
                headerName: "NameObjectB"
                headerName: 'ObjectC',
                children: [
                        field: 'ObjectB.ObjectC.IdObjectC',
                        headerName: "IdObjectC"
                        field: "ObjectB.ObjectC.NameC",
                        headerName: "NameC",
                        headerName: 'Data',
                        children: [                           
                            { field: 'ObjectB.ObjectC.Data.Param1', sortable: true, headerName: "Param1" },
                            { field: 'ObjectB.ObjectC.Data.Param2', sortable: true, headerName: "Param2" },
                            { field: 'ObjectB.ObjectC.Data.Param3', sortable: true, headerName: "Param3" },

and the grid options are:

gridOptions = {
rowModelType: 'serverSide',
serverSideInfiniteScroll: true,
treeData: true,
cacheBlockSize: 100,
cacheOverflowSize: 15,
maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests: 1,
infiniteInitialRowCount: 100,
maxBlocksInCache: 10,
columnDefs: columnDefs,
defaultColDef: {
    sortable: true,
    resizable: true,
    filter: true,
    enableFilter: true,
    floatingFilter: true,
    enableValue: true,
    enableRowGroup: true,
    width: 200,
groupHeaderHeight: 0,
suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns: true,
sideBar: {
    toolPanels: [
            id: 'columns',
            labelDefault: 'Columns',
            labelKey: 'columns',
            iconKey: 'columns',
            toolPanel: 'agColumnsToolPanel',
            toolPanelParams: {
                suppressSyncLayoutWithGrid: true,
                suppressColumnMove: true,
    defaultToolPanel: 'columns',
enableCharts: true,
enableRangeSelection: true,
autoGroupColumnDef: {
    field: 'Lineas.IdCelula',
isServerSideGroup: (dataItem) => {
    // indicate if node is a group
    var group = !!dataItem.ObjectC
    return group;
getServerSideGroupKey: (dataItem) => {
    // specify which group key to use
    return dataItem.ObjectB.ObjectC.NameC;


But when load this happen and in console don't apear exceptions or warnings about, and stay with the spinner of loading in all rows. 在此处输入图像描述

Find the problem, was in the server object, was with multiple elements inside like:

IdObjectA: 1
NameObjectA: "NameA"
ObjectB: [{ //<-- Array
    IdObjectB: 1
    NameObjectB: "NameB"
    ObjectC: [{ //<-- Other Array
        IdObjectC: 1
        NameObjectC: "NameC"
        Data: [ //<-- Other Array

But, you can't have a multidimensional object with arrays inside , you have to create an array of objects like:

    IdObjectA: 1
    NameObjectA: "NameA"
    ObjectB: {
        IdObjectB: 1
        NameObjectB: "NameB"
        ObjectC: {
            IdObjectC: 1
            NameObjectC: "NameC"
    IdObjectA: 1
    NameObjectA: "NameA"
    ObjectB: {
        IdObjectB: 1
        NameObjectB: "NameB"
        ObjectC: {
            IdObjectC: 2
            NameObjectC: "NameC"

Then ag-grid recieve the data and load correctly the table.

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