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ng2-charts - set default configuration

I'm trying to set default configuration with ng2-charts.

    imports: [
            defaults: {
              plugins: {
                tooltip: {
                  enabled: false, // => Type '{ enabled: false; }' is missing the following properties from type 'TooltipOptions<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>': external, position, xAlign, yAlign, and 36 more

Problem is, it complains it's missing more than 30 properties on the type TooltipOptions.

I'm obviously not gonna set them all. Is there a default tooltip configuration option I can combine with? I'd like to do this:

tooltip: {
    enabled: false,

Same question goes for any option I'd like to override, where can I find default configs?

This works:

  defaults: {
    plugins: {
      tooltip: {
        enabled: false
      } as TooltipOptions<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>,
    } as PluginOptionsByType<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>,

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