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Filter rows from a grouped data frame based on string columns

I have a data frame grouped by multiple columns but in this example it would be grouped only by Year .

   Year Animal1  Animal2
0  2002    Dog   Mouse,Lion
1  2002  Mouse            
2  2002   Lion            
3  2002   Duck            
4  2010    Dog   Cat
5  2010    Cat            
6  2010   Lion            
7  2010  Mouse      

I would like for each group, from the rows where Animal2 is empty to filter out the rows where Animal2 does not appear in the column Animal1 .

The expected output would be:

  Year Animal1   Animal2
0  2002    Dog   Mouse,Lion
1  2002  Mouse            
2  2002   Lion                   
3  2010    Dog   Cat
4  2010    Cat                        

Rows 0 & 3 stayed since Animal2 is not empty.

Rows 1 & 2 stayed since Mouse & Lion are in Animal2 for the first group.

Row 4 stayed since cat appear in Animal2 for the second group

You can use masks and regexes:

# non empty Animal2
m1 = df['Animal2'].notna()

# make patterns with those Animals2 per Year
patterns = df[m1].groupby('Year')['Animal2'].agg('|'.join).str.replace(',', '|')

# for each Year select with the matching regex
m2 = (df.groupby('Year', group_keys=False)['Animal1']
        .apply(lambda g: g.str.fullmatch(patterns[g.name]))

out = df.loc[m1|m2]

Or sets:

m1 = df['Animal2'].notna()

sets = (df.loc[m1, 'Animal2'].str.split(',')
          .agg(lambda x: set().union(*x))

m2 = (df.groupby('Year', group_keys=False)['Animal1']
        .apply(lambda g: g.isin(sets[g.name]))

out = df.loc[m1|m2]


   Year Animal1     Animal2
0  2002     Dog  Mouse,Lion
1  2002   Mouse        None
2  2002    Lion        None
4  2010     Dog         Cat
5  2010     Cat        None

Here is a solution using list comprehension

    [a1 in a2 for a1,a2 in zip(df['Animal1'],df['Year'].map(df['Animal2'].str.split(',').groupby(df['Year']).sum()))] | 


d = df['Animal2'].str.split(',').groupby(df['Year']).sum()

(df.loc[df.groupby('Year')['Animal1'].transform(lambda x: x.isin(d.loc[x.name])) | 


   Year Animal1     Animal2
0  2002     Dog  Mouse,Lion
1  2002   Mouse        None
2  2002    Lion        None
4  2010     Dog         Cat
5  2010     Cat        None

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