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DiscordJS v14 | Displaying user input in an embed in a new line with \n

I am trying to use user input in a Discord embed and display it (from a slash command). I am able to get the user input and generate the embed, but the format of the text is not looking good. Specifically, when I set the "Content" of the embed using .setDescription(content) , the text appears in an unappealing format.

I have tried using the \n character to create new lines, but it is not working. However, I am able to make text bold using ** .

Can you help me understand how I can create new lines in the embed's content?


I get the content directly from the user input:

let content = interaction.options.getString("content")

If you receive the content using interaction.options.getString("content") , that \n is no longer the newline character, more like an escaped backslash "\\" followed by the letter "n" .

It means you can replace those with a newline character:

let content = interaction.options
  .replaceAll('\\n', '\n');

// ...

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