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Excel : How to merge two dynamic arrays into one dynamic array, with alternating rows?

I have two dynamic arrays, A1# and B1#. I want to combine them into a dynamic array, C1#, like so:

Column A Column B Column C
x 4 x
y 5 4
z 6 y

Currently, I am using the solution provided via WeAreOne's answer to this , of which I have also seen a few different similar answers:


(entered into C1 and dragged down).

However, the arrays I am merging are often changing length drastically, and so I am looking for the neater solution of returning a dynamic array, rather than dragging down my current formula in anticipation of the merged array's length and also having to alter the references to the initial arrays.

Using TOCOL()


• Formula used in cell C2


As Ike Ma'am mentioned in comments, you can use it this way as well,


• Formula used in cell C2


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