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I want to change viewport on pc to mobile view

I want to change viewport on pc like a mobile view. I'd like to change it to a viewport of 480 pixels wide(the letters get bigger), which one should I modify? site is https://www.dorothycard.com/v/sample-classic

Codes below

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">

There is a CSS property zoom , but it's non-standard and you cannot set sized based on container size as far as I know. If you set up everything to be based on rem / em you could also scale the page by setting the font-size on html .

To only affect the desktop view it should be possible to employ a @media query.

If you just want to test dimensions, that can be done in the browser development tools. Most of them will have a "responsive" mode where the exact dimensions can be specified or known devices can be selected.

Eg in Chrome it's this button:

In Firefox:
Firefox 开发工具

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