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How to add a download button for html format on a plotly modebar in R shiny

it is a newby question I'm making a Shiny app in R and I use Plotly to make my plots interactive.

On the modebar of plotly, there is a button to download on png, and we can change parameter to download the plot on svg or jpg. But I would like to add a button to export it with.html format.

I know we can add buttons, as:

    p %>%
modeBarButtonsToAdd = list(dl_button))
and then :
    dl_button <- list(
name = "Download data",
icon = list(
path = icon_camera),
click = htmlwidgets::JS('function(gd) { }') ## 
But I'm stuck at this stage. I don't know what code to do now. 

I try to include htmlwidgets::saveWidget inside the function(gd) without success.

I don't know if it is possible as it. I have already done a downloadHandler() which is work well. but I would like directly such button on the modebar. Have you any idea?

The code below does what you want, but the modebar is not nice in the downloaded html.


asd <- data.frame(
  week = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), 
  a    = rpois(8L, 30), 
  b    = rpois(8L, 25)

js <- c(
  'function(gd) {',
  '  var html = gd.innerHTML;',
  '  var head = "<head><meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\"><script src=\\\"https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-2.11.1.min.js\\\"></script>";',
  '  var body = "<body>" + html + "</body>";',
  '  var htmlContent = [head + body];',
  '  var bl = new Blob(htmlContent, {type: "text/html"});',
  '  var a = document.createElement("a");',
  '  a.href = URL.createObjectURL(bl);',
  '  a.download = "plotly.html";',
  '  document.body.appendChild(a);',
  '  a.click();',

SVGicon_path <- "M 23.128906 25.402344 L 19.601562 25.402344 C 19.324219 25.402344 19.097656 25.175781 19.097656 24.890625 L 19.097656 15.6875 L 10.03125 15.6875 L 10.03125 24.890625 C 10.03125 25.175781 9.804688 25.402344 9.527344 25.402344 L 6 25.402344 C 5.722656 25.402344 5.496094 25.175781 5.496094 24.890625 L 5.496094 3.414062 C 5.496094 3.132812 5.722656 2.902344 6 2.902344 L 9.527344 2.902344 C 9.804688 2.902344 10.03125 3.132812 10.03125 3.414062 L 10.03125 11.597656 L 19.097656 11.597656 L 19.097656 3.414062 C 19.097656 3.132812 19.324219 2.902344 19.601562 2.902344 L 23.128906 2.902344 C 23.40625 2.902344 23.632812 3.132812 23.632812 3.414062 L 23.632812 24.890625 C 23.632812 25.175781 23.40625 25.402344 23.128906 25.402344 Z M 23.128906 25.402344 "
downloadHTML <- list(
  name = "Download HTML",
  icon = list(
    path   = SVGicon_path,
    width  = 30,
    height = 30
  click = htmlwidgets::JS(js)

  asd, x = ~week, y = ~a, name = "a", type = "scatter", mode = "lines"
) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~b, name = "b", mode = "lines") %>%
    margin = list(l = 100, r = 100, b = 100, t = 100), 
    xaxis = list(
      title     = "Week", 
      showgrid  = FALSE, 
      rangemode = "normal"
    yaxis = list(
      title     = "", 
      showgrid  = FALSE, 
      rangemode = "tozero"
    hovermode = "x unified"
  ) %>%
    modeBarButtonsToAdd = list(downloadHTML)

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