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Cannot query GSI in DynamoDb in Kotlin SDK v2

I am working with DynamoDb using Kotlin.

I am currently using:

implementation platform("software.amazon.awssdk:bom:2.17.91")
implementation 'software.amazon.awssdk:dynamodb'
implementation 'software.amazon.awssdk:dynamodb-enhanced'
implementation 'software.amazon.awssdk:sts'

I have a simple table with one GSI name by-users-gsi .

aws dynamodb describe-table --table-name forum --region us-east-1 --endpoint-url http://localhost:800

    "Table": {
        "AttributeDefinitions": [
                "AttributeName": "AuthorId",
                "AttributeType": "S"
                "AttributeName": "PartitionKey",
                "AttributeType": "S"
                "AttributeName": "SortKey",
                "AttributeType": "S"
        "TableName": "table-name",
        "KeySchema": [
                "AttributeName": "PartitionKey",
                "KeyType": "HASH"
                "AttributeName": "SortKey",
                "KeyType": "RANGE"
        "TableStatus": "ACTIVE",


        "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
                "IndexName": "by-users-gsi",
                "KeySchema": [
                        "AttributeName": "AuthorId",
                        "KeyType": "HASH"
                        "AttributeName": "SortKey",
                        "KeyType": "RANGE"
                "Projection": {
                    "ProjectionType": "ALL"
                "IndexStatus": "ACTIVE",

Both the table and the index have a composite primary key:

  • Table: PartitionKey and SortKey
  • GSI: AuthorId and SortKey

The problem is that I am trying to query the GSI by the following pseudo-expression:

AuthorId="author_id" and SortKey BETWEEN "value_1" and "value_2".

Translating it to Koltin. I am using the DynamoDbEnhancedAsyncClient :

val table = client.table('table-name', TableSchema.fromBean(AnyItem::class.java))

val authorIdValue = "author_id"
val value1 = "value_1"
val value2 = "value_2"

val value1Key = Key.builder()

val value2Key = Key.builder()

val betweenCondition = QueryConditional.sortBetween(value1Key, value2Key)

val query = QueryEnhancedRequest

val results = table

// Whatever ......

But it is throwing me the following error:

software.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.model.DynamoDbException: Query condition missed key schema element

I googled it and is related to not being adding conditions to the Index's PrimaryKey (PK + SK). However, both conditions are defining:


I understand it should infer the Index's Partition Value, not the table's. I also tried to do a FilterExpression but didn't work too.

Any clue what I am doing wrong?

You never pass the value of the partition author_id key to the function:

QueryConditional betweenCondition = QueryConditional
                                      .sortBetween(value1Key, value2Key)

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