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How to ignore changes of specific annotation with Terraform CDK

What's the correct way to use the ignoreChanges config to ignore changes of a specific annotation of a kube.netes deployment?

One of my kube.netes deployments has the following annotation automatically injected by a CRD based on some external state change:

    secrets.doppler.com/secretsupdate.api: W/"8673f9c59166f300cacd436f95f83d3379f84643d8259297c18facf0076b50e7"

I'd like terraform to not trigger a redeployment when it sees changes to this annotation.

I suspect something like the following would be correct but I'm not sure what the right syntax is when using terraform cdk:

    new k8s.Deployment(this, name, {
      lifecycle: {
        ignoreChanges: ["metadata.annotations.\"secrets.doppler.com/secretsupdate.api\""],
     // ...

I tried using the above syntax but it didn't work.

│ Error: Invalid expression
│   on cdk.tf.json line 2492, in resource.kubernetes_deployment.api_BA7F1523.lifecycle.ignore_changes:
│ 2492:             "metadata.annotations.\"secrets.doppler.com/secretsupdate.api\""
│ A single static variable reference is required: only attribute access and
│ indexing with constant keys. No calculations, function calls, template
│ expressions, etc are allowed here.

What's the correct syntax for ignore an annotation like this?

As is typical, I figured it out immediately after posting.


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